Children's Campus Mokum

Children's Campus Mokum

At Kindercampus Mokum, they work daily to develop children. "Learning for the future, we do now!" is the children's campus motto. Something to which delicious coffee at work can contribute all too well.

Nothing runs
without coffee

It's all in the Click

And that's not all, according to Peter Snijders, director of Children's Campus Mokum. "Coffee is the fuel in the workplace for many here. And everyone also likes the new coffee a lot. This is no luxury for our teachers. Between classes, everyone can now enjoy a cup of coffee. At the touch of a button, a cappuccino, espresso or regular cup of coffee is ready for you."

CoffeeClick & Kindercampus mokum

Is coffee important for a children's campus?

How we are there for the kids 52 weeks of the year, CoffeeClick is there for us."

"The coffee is delicious and we have very good contact with our account manager. From moment one we have clear agreements with each other. We know where we stand and that gives a nice feeling. As an educational institution we are bound to strict rules and working hours. CoffeeClick takes this into account. If one of our coffee machines needs service, all we have to do is call and a mechanic will be at the door in no time. This is very convenient for us, as it allows us to focus on the children.

"Coffee is the fuel."

"Coffee is the fuel in the workplace to boost employee productivity. Providing education is something that requires extreme concentration and commitment, and a great cup of coffee is part of that. With CoffeeClick, we found the right partner for this. When we commissioned the new coffee machines we immediately enjoyed delicious coffee!"


"Yes, especially because of the personal attention and service. Both are very important to us and this is always very well taken care of at CoffeeClick. Something that is not obvious with all coffee suppliers. And as mentioned before, we have direct contact with our account manager. This gives a nice and familiar feeling."

Coffee cup

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New York Street 2-8,
1175 RD Lijnden


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+31 (0)88 06 06 100