Where does coffee actually come from?

News June 19, 2020 Nick Murauer

The orig.

The land of culture, good food, rich history and coffee.... Italy! Or is it? The product "coffee" is often associated with this beautiful country. This is partly caused by the names of the different coffee drinks. For example, Italians call their favorite beverage "Caffé espresso. Variations of this are the doppio, a double amount, the lungo, with just a little more water, the macchiato with a splash of regular milk, caffelatte is our coffee latte and of course the cappuccino with airy milk foam.

But then where does it come from?....

Contrary to these assumptions, the origins of this popular product lie on the other side of the world. Its origins date back to the 11th century, when coffee was first imported to Arabia from Ethiopia. And we think we speak for many a coffee lover when we say.... thank you 🙂

After the discovery of the coffee berry, its production expanded to many a country. The most famous of these are Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam and so on.... But which country is the biggest producer? By a large margin, it is Brazil. Brazil is responsible for about a third of global coffee production! This is followed by Colombia, which produces mainly mild coffees, and Indonesia, the world's largest producer of Robusta coffee beans.

...And where do people drink the most coffee? 


But... Are the biggest producers also the biggest drinkers? No they certainly are not!
As it turns out? Our neighbors to the north... They really drink coffee! Finland leads the top 3 with an average of 12 kg of coffee per person per year! This is followed by Norway (9.9 kg) and Iceland (9 kg). But the Netherlands should not be underestimated either. With an average of 8.4 kg of coffee per person, we are in 5th place. On average in the Netherlands we drink about 3.4 cups of coffee per day. At work, at clubs, at stations, gas stations and so on. To warm up or wake up, or just to have a nice chat. It is impossible to imagine our daily lives without coffee and it is drunk everywhere, in many different varieties. Are you ready to take the coffee supply at your workplace or association to the next level? Choose CoffeeClick's all-in coffee concept and enjoy....





Coffee cup

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