Is coffee healthy? It is more than just a drink!

Blog February 22, 2024 Nick Murauer

Every morning starts the same: with that indispensable first cup of coffee. Coffee is not only the kickstarter of our morning, but also the bringer of surprising health benefits. In this blog post, let's discover how our daily cup of coffee means more than we often think!

Why coffee is more than a drink

Why do we love coffee so much? Is it the rich taste, that tempting aroma, or the energy boost it gives us? For some of us, coffee is a source of comfort and satisfaction, while others see it as a means of coming together and enjoying each other's company. Thanks to caffeine, coffee helps us stay alert, and keeps fatigue at bay. Everyone experiences their coffee moment in their own way. But now for the key question: is coffee healthy?

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The health benefits of your cup of coffee

Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes

But did you know that your daily cup of coffee doesn't just serve to keep you awake? Recent research shows that regularly drinking three or more cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and even lower the risk of type 2 diabetes by 30%.

Daily requirement according to the nutrition center

The Nutrition Center recommends an average of 4.5 cups of coffee per day. This amount not only contributes to your physical health, but also improves your attention, alertness and motivation. So at work, a good cup of coffee is definitely desirable! It's time to break the old stigma surrounding coffee. As with anything, moderation is the key; too much of a good thing can be harmful, but this applies to almost anything, of course. So? Coffee is healthy!

The benefits of coffee before exercise

Caffeine is known for its ability to enhance physical performance. It stimulates the central nervous system, making you more alert and increasing your stamina. In addition, coffee can increase metabolism and stimulate fat burning. This is especially beneficial for endurance sports.

More about coffee while exercising?

Coffee and your reward system: A happy marriage

What about the claim that coffee is addictive? Now let's clear up that misconception. While excessive coffee consumption can have unwanted effects, it does not mean that coffee causes uncontrollable addiction. In fact, coffee stimulates the production of dopamine and norepinephrine, which can lead to improved mood and a sense of well-being. So, feel free to keep enjoying your coffee moments.

Have you become curious about the unique taste of our coffee after reading this blog? Then visit our Experience Center in Lijnden for a no-obligation tasting.

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Coffee cup

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