How important is water for a great cup of coffee?
It is the coffee ingredient that is often forgotten. Water. What many people don't know is that a cup of coffee consists of 98% water. For an espresso, this percentage is slightly lower, around 90%. Yet the quality of water is often forgotten when people talk about coffee.
Perhaps you recognize the following situation. You're sitting on a sun-drenched terrace in Italy, in a cozy little street. And what are you drinking there? A delicious espresso. This one is so good that you go back the next day. And the day after that. And at the end of the vacation you decide you want to drink this coffee at home, too. At this nice place you buy a bag of coffee beans, or maybe two. Happy as a child with a candy lollipop you return home to enjoy your delicious, Italian espresso. But what turns out? The taste is not the same as on that terrace. How can that be? One reason is the difference in water quality.
Difference in water quality
The quality of water varies greatly between countries, and even places. This has mainly to do with water hardness. The fact that water is drinkable everywhere in the Netherlands does not mean that the water is the same everywhere. Water used to make coffee must have the right mineral content. That's not a given. You get the right mineral ratio with a water filter. Water must also be clear in color and odorless to ensure the quality of your coffee.
So is water only important for brewing a cup of coffee? Certainly not! It is also good to have a glass of water before starting your cup of coffee. Starting with a glass of water will neutralize the flavors in your mouth, allowing you to taste the coffee even better!
What is important?
So do you now want to enjoy delicious fresh bean coffee at home? Then the following things are very important;
- Provide freshly roasted coffee beans.
- Make sure your machine is connected to a water supply, and that the water is freshly filtered.
- Drink a glass of water beforehand for flavor neutralization.
- Put the coffee in your favorite cup and enjoy!
Now do you want to always be able to enjoy fresh, cold filtered water? And always be sure of delicious coffee at work or the club? Then take a look at this page. After all, CoffeeClick has the ION water cooler in its assortment. Water cooler? Yes, indeed! It provides you and your colleagues or visitors with unlimited delicious fresh filtered water. And whether you prefer to drink it at room temperature, chilled, hot or sparkling, the ION has it all! Or compare products that filter water. At any time of the day.