My name is Frank van der Geer and I am a service technician at CoffeeClick. As a service technician I have a varied job because I am often on the road visiting our customers all over the country. A working day for me starts at 8:30 during the first appointment.
My work consists of several components:
As technicians, we perform both major and minor maintenance, both once a year. This is a standard procedure where I replace parts as needed, descale machines and check the grind.
Equipment breakdowns are very diverse, from a creaking part to jammed mills. I fix it all and make sure the customer is always more than satisfied!
Taste tuning
Taste tuning is of course super important. We guarantee our customers a unique taste experience, every day, and this happens through proper tuning.
The most enjoyable part of my job is troubleshooting. Of course, maintenance is also part of the job, but this is more of a standard procedure. A 'good' breakdown can be quite challenging and that makes it very interesting for me. Often it's a leak or blockage, but it's always satisfying when the breakdown is solved.
The clients I visit are very diverse, from offices and factories to sports clubs and healthcare facilities. Some of the comments I get are: 'what a quick service', but also 'you are the most important person in the building'. How nice is that? Coffee is just always very important to everyone. This creates a very nice bond with the customer and the helpfulness from both sides leads to nice conversations. The familiar chat at the coffee machine. Because of this, we also have little to no complaints and our customers are often very satisfied.
In this corona time, it has become a bit more difficult. The work is the same, of course, but the rules for me and the customer must be followed. Standard is of course the 1.5 meter distance, the mouth mask and disinfecting the hands as often as possible. Some clients are more lenient about this than others.
It is quieter in the offices now, many staff work at home and the conversations with our customers are often about the concerns that Corona brings.
The most important tip I have for our customers is: take good care of the machine and stick to the standard procedure of cleaning and rinsing. This keeps your machine clean, prevents most malfunctions, and it's also good for the taste of the coffee!
Lastly, I wish everyone lots of coffee fun especially at this time! See you at CoffeeClick or of course at your office.
Warm regards,
Frank van der Geer, your service technician